Live Animal Export Cost Recovery Impact Statement – Submission period now open

Thursday 15 May 2014

05 May 2014

The Department of Agriculture (DA) is currently reviewing their cost recovery arrangements for the export of live animals and reproductive materials.

The area of live animal export and reproductive materials is important for our industry and HRA will continue to lobby to ensure that the best interests of the industry are protected.

DA have recently published the Cost Recovery Impact Statement on their website and are calling for comments on this.   Harness Racing Australia (HRA) encourages all industry participants who could be impacted by this fee review to make comments.   Submissions close on 15 May 2014.

The attached link will take you to the relevant page:

HRA will be making a submission as part of our current lobbying program.

If you require any additional information on this issue please contact HRA Operations Manager, Gary Kairn, on  or 03 9227 3003.