Message to Industry

Wednesday 12 June 2024

As you will all recall, Tasracing wrote to you last week advising that it would not issue new warning off notices to the four participants adversely named in the Murrihy Report.

We arrived at this decision after the Tasmanian Racing Appeals Board overturned the racetrack bans on these individuals imposed by Tasracing in April.

After this finding, Tasracing took the view that it had exhausted all options available to it in an effort to enforce the standards of integrity expected in the harness racing code by its participants and the broader Tasmanian community.

On a separate matter, it was made public this week that Victorian trainer Robbie Walters had applied for a Trainer A license in Tasmania, and that the Office of Racing Integrity (ORI) was undertaking due diligence on the application. In the meantime, Mr Walters has been permitted by ORI to operate as a trainer A in Tasmania, using his Victorian license, for one month commencing 10 June 2024.

Pleasingly, Tasracing has been advised that the Tasmanian Minister for Racing has written to the Director of Racing about the matter, urging the Director to take urgent action under the powers available to him while the due diligence work is completed.

As always, we will continue to write to you when we have updated information to provide.

Andrew Jenkins
Chief Executive Officer || Tasracing