Public Interest Disclosures (Whistleblower) Policy

Tasracing recognises the value of transparency and accountability and supports disclosures that reveal improper or corrupt conduct or detrimental actions.

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2002 (Tas) (‘PID Act’) provides protection to a person who makes disclosures in accordance with the PID Act.  The PID Act aims to:

  • encourage and facilitate disclosures of improper conduct;
  • protect persons making those disclosures, and others, from reprisals or discrimination;
  • provide for the matters disclosed to be properly investigated and dealt with; and
  • provide all parties involved in the disclosures with natural justice.

We will provide a safe and confidential environment to all persons who make protected disclosures of improper conduct or detrimental action by Tasracing employees, officers or members.  We will also ensure all disclosures are investigated in a fair, thorough and timely manner.

Tasracing has adopted the Ombudsman’s recommended Model Procedures to achieve the objectives of the PID Act.

Tasracing has also adopted procedures to set out the whistleblower regime at a Federal level under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (‘Corporations Act’). Having two whistleblower regimes at State and Federal level creates a dual system, which means they may overlap in some circumstances.

Both the Model Procedures covering the PID Act and the procedures covering the Corporations Act can be found in Tasracing’s Whistleblower Policy, available here.

If you require any further information regarding how disclosures can be made to Tasracing or how Tasracing safeguards the welfare of the discloser, please contact our Legal Counsel.