Tasracing Harness Academy
Expressions of Interest – Lead Instructor
Tasracing is committed to providing contemporary driving, training, licencing and general industry education to the Tasmanian harness industry in order to improve harness racing outcomes for the State.
We are seeking expressions of interest for an experienced harness professional to lead eight (8) harness workshops to begin in late 2018 in a contractor/ consultant capacity, for a fixed period of 12 months.
Interested parties are encouraged to submit a basic proposal including the following details:
- Estimate of pricing for 8 workshops, each approximately 2 hours in length for 10-20 participants
- Availability to facilitate 4 workshops each in the North and South of the State throughout the racing season
- A rough program outline, detailing what you feel should be included in the structure of the workshops
- A summary of your experience within the harness industry
Please submit your Expressions of Interest to Angela Barrett at a.barrett@tasracing.com.au by Friday 2nd November 2018 via email. Shortlisted parties will be invited to present their pitch to an internal panel.
Please note the successful contractor/ consultant will require a registered ABN.