Tuesday 7 May 2024

Following a review of the expenditure of the Harness Code Funding Allocation against budget, due to a number of factors over the previous few months including the deletion of meetings and races, the Harness Code has an underspend in FY24.

The amendments to the Equity in Participation policy introduced mid-April 2024 have further seen the reduction in both meeting and field sizes. To provide trainers an additional incentive, along with programming changes in May which provides a greater range of racing, Tasracing has approved an increase to the lower-level base stakes for the remaining meetings in FY24 to the premier level of $9,700.

This will commence from this week until 30th June 2024 and will see approximately 24 races normally programmed for $5,950 increase to $9,700.

Programming will continue to be released on a monthly basis in the near future with race dates for the 2024/25 period expected to be finalised end of May.

Key feature dates upcoming to note:

Granny Smith / Raider Stakes heats – Launceston Sunday, 7th July
Granny Smith / Raider Stakes finals – Launceston Sunday, 21st July
3YO Pre-Eureka race – Launceston Sunday, 21st July
The Beautide – Hobart Saturday, 3rd August (date yet to be approved by SKY)
2YO Sweepstakes heats – Hobart Sunday, 23rd & 30th August
2YO Sweepstakes finals – Hobart, Saturday 8th September (date yet to be approved by SKY)


Ange Barrett
Code Lead – Harness
7 May 2024