Dear Greyhound Racing Participants You will all no doubt be aware that earlier today (10 December 2024) New Zealand Racing Minister Winston Peters announced his government’s plans to end greyhound racing in that country. For context, today’s announcement from New Zealand is a response to very specific circumstances related to that jurisdiction – there have…
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Update to Greyhound Participants || Closure of NZ racing
Tuesday 10 December 2024Please see below regarding Greyhound racing in NZ. We are working with the Government on a public statement and will keep everyone updated. Andrew Jenkins The government will end greyhound racing in New Zealand, Racing Minister Winston Peters has announced. The decision has been made to protect the welfare of the racing dogs, Peters said….
Improving Dog Welfare Outcomes in Tasmania
Thursday 21 November 2024The Tasmanian Government have been reviewing the laws that regulate and control dogs in Tasmania. The review ensures contemporary and enforceable welfare outcomes for dogs in Tasmania. Greyhounds are currently exempt from the dog welfare regulation in Tasmania and as the respective standards and regulations for greyhounds exceed the facilities’ requirements, it is preferable for…
Tasracing Industry Code of Conduct
Monday 18 November 2024In November 2023, Tasracing introduced the Industry Code of Conduct (ICOC) which applies to all individuals involved in the racing industry in Tasmania when visiting a Tasracing workplace or venue. This includes licensed participants, their employees, associates, independent contractors and visitors to our workplaces and venues. The ICOC clearly outlines appropriate behaviours and we would…
North west coast facilities update
Thursday 31 October 2024The Tasracing Board has signed off on a business case that will be presented to the Tasmanian Government to request funding support for the development of a new greyhound training and racing facility and enhanced harness training facilities on the north west coast. The business case was developed after Tasracing’s shareholder ministers requested that the…
Independent Stewards Panel Report
Wednesday 2 October 2024Tasracing notes the release today (2 October 2024) of the Report of Independent Stewards Panel established to examine and further investigate the issues raised in the Murrihy Report. To summarise the findings of the report: Harness trainers Ben Yole and Tim Yole have been charged with the mistreatment of horses between 1 April 2020 and…