Tasracing Update – November 2017

Friday 3 November 2017

Elwick track redevelopment update After experiencing delays in obtaining critical information from specialist contractors, and therefore passing the date on which replacement grass would need to have been planted off-site to meet the proposed 2018 construction commencement date, the Tasracing Board has agreed to not commence the Elwick track redevelopment works until 2019. As has…

Twelve of Australia’s best harness drivers descend on Hobart this Saturday

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Twelve of Australia’s best harness drivers will compete in Hobart on 28 October for the prestigious Yabby Dam Racing Australian Drivers Championship. Jointly hosted by Tasracing, Harness Racing Australia and the Tasmanian Pacing Club (TPC), two drivers from each state will contest six races for points to decide the winning driver. Tasmania will be represented…

Future of Tasracing on track

Thursday 19 October 2017

19 October 2017 Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Racing The Tasmanian racing industry can look forward to an exciting future of growth and investment according to Tasracing’s annual report tabled in Parliament today. The Hodgman Liberal Government has worked hard to put the industry body onto a sustainable footing with Tasracing recording its second consecutive profit…

Harness Drivers and BOTRA raise funds during difficult times for Rawlings family

Friday 29 September 2017

A number of Tasmanian Harness Racing drivers in conjunction with Botra Tasmania are joining forces to raise funds to assist Matilda Rawlings with the cost of her education. Matilda’s mother Sharyn Slater passed away suddenly early this month in Victoria. Botra President Barrie Rattray said a number of industry participants had been asking what they…

Devendra on the Inter Dominion campaign trail

Tuesday 19 September 2017

TASMANIAN star Devendra took a major step towards an interstate campaign when successful at Hobart during the weekend. In what was his fourth run back from a 15-month injury-enforced break, Devendra led throughout against open company. Pleased with the eight-year-old’s performance, trainer Todd Rattray is confident Devendra can recapture the form which saw him win…

Profit boost for Tasracing means stakes increase for all racing codes

Friday 15 September 2017

From Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Racing: The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to restoring the racing industry’s sustainability and vibrancy and the jobs it supports in regional Tasmania. The difficult decisions we made in 2015 to implement sustainability measures are working, and have allowed Tasracing to operate on a sustainable financial basis for the first…