Barrier Trials – Devonport 22 October and Longford 25 October 2013

Thursday 17 October 2013

An additional set of Barrier Trials have now been scheduled for Longford on Friday 25 October. This is in addition to the previously programmed Barrier Trials set down for Tuesday 22 October, at Tapeta Park, Devonport. Both programs commence at 10.30am Nominations closing times are – Devonport Tues 22 October – Noms close 9am Monday 21 October….

Hobart Track Information for Wednesday 16th October 2013

Wednesday 16 October 2013

The track rating at Tattersall’s Park in Hobart as at 8:00am today is a slow 6 with a penetrometer reading of 5.08. However there are sections of the track that vary from this rating. Please refer to the image for further information. Please note: The map shows raw penetrometer readings. Official rating is an adjusted rating as per formula, for…

Hobart Track Information for Friday 4th October 2013

Friday 4 October 2013

The track rating at Tattersall’s Park in Hobart as at 8:00am today is a heavy 8 with a penetrometer reading of 6.00. However there are sections of the track that vary from this rating. Please refer to the image for further information. Please note: The map shows raw penetrometer readings. Official rating is an adjusted rating as per formula, for…

Hobart Barrier Trials – Monday 7 October 2013

Thursday 3 October 2013

Northern Tasmanian based 2YO’s wishing to trial at Hobart (Derwent Track) Barrier Trials on Monday 7 October, will be eligible for a $150 travel subsidy.  This affords northern trainers an opportunity to have their 2YO trial on a grass track . Nominations for the Hobart Barrier Trials close at 9am on Friday 4 October.