Greyhound – Injury summary report

Race meetings only

Includes Qualifying Trials & Breeders Classics.

This year to date ((From 1/7/2024 to 31/1/2025)

Hobart Launceston Devonport Total
Starters 3314 3750 0 7064
Category A
(0 days)
12 10 0 22
Category B
(1 – 10 days)
34 37 0 71
Category C
(11 – 21 days)
12 25 0 37
Category D
(22 or more days)
10 17 0 27
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 3.02 4.53 0 3.82
Category E
0 1 0 0
 – per 1000 starters 0 0.27 0 0.14
Total Injuries 68 90 0 158
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 20.52 24.00 0 22.37

From 1/7/2023 to 30/06/2024

Hobart Launceston Devonport Total
Starters 5428 6038 0 11466
Category A
(0 days)
30 14 0 44
Category B
(1 – 10 days)
70 96 0 166
Category C
(11 – 21 days)
27 32 0 59
Category D
(22 or more days)
12 25 0 37
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 2.21 4.14 0 3.23
Category E
0 2 0 2
 – per 1000 starters 0 0.33 0 0.17
Total Injuries 139 169 0 308
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 25.61 27.99 0 26.86

From 1/7/2022 to 30/6/2023

Hobart Launceston Devonport Total
Starters 5890 5938 0 11828
Category A
(0 days)
37 14 0 51
Category B
(1 – 10 days)
60 77 0 137
Category C
(11 – 21 days)
28 33 0 61
Category D
(22 or more days)
13 36 0 49
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 2.21 6.06 0 4.14
Category E
2 3 0 5
 – per 1000 starters 0.34 0.51 0 0.42
Total Injuries 140 163 0 303
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 23.77 27.45 0 25.62

From 1/7/2021 to 30/6/2022

Hobart Launceston Devonport Total
Starters 4609 4385 2893 11887
Category A
(0 days)
7 31 23 61
Category B
(1 – 10 days)
31 59 26 116
Category C
(11 – 21 days)
17 24 17 58
Category D
(22 or more days)
15 29 6 50
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 3.25 6.61 2.07 4.21
Category E
6 1 2 9
 – per 1000 starters 1.3 0.23 0.69 0.76
Total Injuries 76 144 74 294
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 16.49 32.84 25.58 24.73

From 1/7/2020 to 30/6/2021

Hobart Launceston Devonport Total
Starters 4162 3865 4100 12127
Category A
(0 days)
17 24 29 70
Category B
(1 – 10 days)
62 59 55 176
Category C
(11 – 21 days)
28 26 19 73
Category D
(22 or more days)
12 17 14 43
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 2.88 4.4 3.41 3.55
Category E
1 3 3 7
 – per 1000 starters 0.24 0.78 0.73 0.58
Total Injuries 120 129 120 369
 – Injuries per 1000 starters 28.83 33.38 29.27 30.43