News & Events

In line with Tasracing’s commitment to communicate with all racing industry participants, stakeholders and the general public on issues and opportunities effecting them, we provide the following:



From the CEO’s Desk brings you the latest updates directly from Tasracing CEO Dr Eliot Forbes.

The aim of these updates is to aim to share as much relevant information as possible with Tasmanian racing participants on issues that shape our industry.

The aim of From The CEO’s desk is also to keep participants updated on Tasracing’s performance in relation to it’s legislated responsibilities.

Go to latest From the CEO’s Desk.



Here is where you will find news tailored to Tasmanian racing participants. If you are an owner, trainer, jockey, driver, involved in a club, or are employed in any capacity in the Tasmanian racing industry, we aim to bring you news that is of use and/or interest to you.

Go to Industry News Desk.



To access all general racing news, go to the wagering customer website TASRACING.COM.AU



Tasracing manages two major industry events each year – the Tasmanian Thoroughbred Industry Annual Awards and Hall of Fame, and the Tasmanian Harness Industry Awards and Hall of Fame.

Go to Tasmanian Thoroughbred Industry Annual Awards and Hall of Fame. 

Go to Tasmanian Harness Industry Annual Awards and Hall of Fame.