Tasracing will allocate $100,000 for racing animal welfare initiatives through its recently launched Racing Animal Welfare (RAW) Grants Program 2024-25. The funding will be provided across three broad categories: Animal Health Research – up to $20,000 for projects promoting health care and welfare for racing animals. Facilities and Equipment – up to $10,000 for projects…
North-west coast tracks update
Wednesday 8 May 2024Tasracing will commence work immediately on a new proposal for greyhound and harness facilities that suit the daily requirements of north-west coast-based trainers. Tasracing CEO Andrew Jenkins said significant project cost increases had made the current tracks development proposed for land adjacent to the Devonport Airport unaffordable and it would no longer proceed. “The total…
Tuesday 7 May 2024Following a review of the expenditure of the Harness Code Funding Allocation against budget, due to a number of factors over the previous few months including the deletion of meetings and races, the Harness Code has an underspend in FY24. The amendments to the Equity in Participation policy introduced mid-April 2024 have further seen the…
Harness Industry Survey
Wednesday 17 April 2024The recently released Murrihy Report outlined several recommendations to ensure the competitiveness of Harness racing in Tasmania. Tasracing in consultation with industry have already initiated a number of changes to the Equity in Participation Policy and programming. To ensure that Tasracing has provided all stakeholders and participants with the opportunity to provide feedback, Tasracing in…
Revised Equity in Participation Policy and Issue of Notices
Tuesday 16 April 2024As a result of the Supreme Court finding confirming its power to do so, Tasracing issued formal Show Cause Notices on Friday 12 April 2024 to racing industry participants named in the Murrihy Report. Tasracing CEO Andrew Jenkins said participants named in the Murrihy report who received Notices had until Thursday this week to provide…
2023 Tasmanian Harness Awards – 4YO+ & Broodmare Winners
Friday 5 April 2024Tasracing is pleased to announce the following winners and congratulate their connections of the 2023 Tasmanian Harness Awards. Mare of the Year – Baby You A Song Starts 12, 6 wins, 2 placings. Stakes $75,685. Granny Smith winner. 4YO and Older Horse of the Year – Magician Starts 13, 7 wins, 4 placings. Stakes $222,745…