Stakes to increase until end of financial year

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Tasracing, on the recommendation of the Greyhound Reference Group, has approved for the unexpended funds from the code funding allocation this season to be directed to stakes. As a result, from 1 April 2017 to 30 June 2017 the scheduled non-penalty races, one at every Hobart and Launceston meeting, will be funded to full stakes. …

Programming update April 2017

Wednesday 22 March 2017

The programming of races on a monthly basis is continuing and the April programmes have now been finalised and approved and are available on our website With the Winter Distance Carnival commencing in May, there is no distance series programmed this month, but the Dennis Thomas/Knockies Jet Free-to-All over 600 metres is scheduled as…

Benchmark 62 Balloting Conditions

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Trainers please be advised that Local Rule 11.1(h) has been rescinded as at 1 April 2017. Benchmark 62 Ratings based / performance Handicapping Order of entry and Balloting- Whereby order of entry for Benchmark 62 races are as follows: 1. Placed 1st last start; 2. Placed 2nd or 3rd at last start; 3. Placed 1st,…

Benchmark 62 Balloting Conditions

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Trainers please be advised that Local Rule 11.1(h) has been rescinded as at 1 April 2017. Benchmark 62 Ratings based / performance Handicapping Order of entry and Balloting- Whereby order of entry for Benchmark 62 races are as follows: 1. Placed 1st last start; 2. Placed 2nd or 3rd at last start; 3. Placed 1st,…

Summer Racing Carnival prize money stays in Tasmania

Thursday 2 March 2017

Nearly 78 per cent ($2.4 million) of the 2017 Luxbet Tasmanian Summer Racing Carnival (TSRC) stakes were won by Tasmanian horses. Tasracing chief executive officer Vaughn Lynch said this was broadly in line with last year’s result when $2.36 million of carnival stakes (or 80 per cent) stayed in Tasmania. “The racing throughout the carnival…