Murrihy Report Update

Thursday 22 February 2024

With the final Murrihy Report recently released, it is timely for Tasracing to provide an update in relation to key matters covered in the Report

Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of all actions being considered by Tasracing based on the Murrihy Report – it’s a summary of the current status on some of the main items:

Animal Welfare – Equine Code of Practice (ECOP)

Prior to the Murrihy Report being released Tasracing’s Chief Veterinary and Animal Welfare Officer, Dr Martin Lenz, had commenced drafting an enforceable ECOP that would apply to both harness and gallops. The Code will address many of the animal welfare concerns identified in the Murrihy Report, including ethical decision-making around the retirement of racehorses. The draft ECOP will be available for review and comment from participants by late March

Animal Welfare – Specific Findings

As per the Minister for Racing’s announcement, the RSPCA will be engaged to investigate specific findings in the Murrihy Report relating to Animal Welfare

Non-Compliance with the Rules of Racing

An independent panel of interstate Stewards will conduct investigations into these findings and table their recommendations to the Director of Racing

Competitiveness in Tasmanian harness racing

This is a complex and detailed body of work that will take into account factors including – the RBHS, the Equity in Participation Policy, programming, balloting, wagering, breeding, claiming and more. To ensure full consultation and the gathering of a sound base of information, Tasracing will provide all harness participants with the opportunity to submit their views on a broad range of considerations via a structured online survey expected in late March. From there, Tasracing will collate and consider survey responses and draft proposed changes ahead of more detailed discussions with key stakeholders including Clubs, BOTRA and HIF. Tasracing will then implement final changes. Regular updates will be provided

Andrew Jenkins, CEO – Tasracing