NW – Next stage consultation update

Monday 17 June 2024

Hello Everyone on the NW

Broad consultation has concluded under the timeline I’ve shared and Tasracing will now consider feedback received and narrow down feasible facilities options to be discussed further with stakeholders including Club Committees and BOTRA

Based on a number of 1:1 discussions, the open forum at The Stables and the email feedback inbox, feedback is summarised as follows –  

Continue with Mill Rd via a staged approach,
Use of Tapeta not viable (access times, wear on horses),
Infield track at Spreyton not viable due to significant rise and fall and insufficient overall space,
Development of the Maxfield site for fast training (and, if possible, trials) is viable but preference remains for a racetrack 

Time is of the essence, only continue with Mill Rd if planning appeal can be quickly overcome,
Racetrack inside Spreyton would be viable, could use Mill Rd track design,
Wherever a track is, it needs a turn to be able to bring on young dogs 

My team and I will now move quickly to present an options paper to the Tasracing Board – ideally at its next meeting – and communicate with everyone from there what options are supported and used as the basis to seek funding from the Government 

Thank you for your constructive input toward alternatives so far – it is appreciated 

CEO Tasracing