NW harness and greyhound participants

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Dear NW harness and greyhound participants

The following is an update in relation to consultation with industry stakeholders and the process for determining facilities for the NW –

  • Consultation commenced immediately after the Mill Rd announcement last Weds with both Club Presidents, BOTRA and a small number of other key industry stakeholders meeting with myself in person in Devonport and a number of Tasracing Board Directors online
  • To progress consultation further, late this week, and not later than early next, Tasracing will circulate to NWGRC, DHRC and BOTRA a list of possible site/location and use options
  • Those options will then be discussed with the Club Committees and BOTRA to determine industry’s preferences
  • From there, the Tasracing Board will be presented with a view of those preferences and, as a priority, move to a point of requesting revised funding support from the Govt

Thank you

Andrew Jenkins, CEO – Tasracing