Harness Trials at Race Meetings – Changed Conditions

Friday 30 December 2016

Following consultation with Harness Industry Forum members and the Office of Racing Integrity, Tasracing has approved changes to the conditions for trials at Sunday race meetings. A summary of the changes is: All horses are eligible to trial at Sunday twilight race meetings. A maximum of two mobile start trials will be scheduled. Depending on…


Thursday 29 December 2016

An amendment to the Greyhounds Australasia Rules (National Rules) effective from 1 January 2017 has been adopted by Tasracing. The amendment is to GAR 132 (5): Within 14 days of the collection of semen a studmaster or a person approved by the Controlling Body shall lodge, in the manner prescribed by the Controlling Body, the…

2017 Magic Millions Yearling Sale

Wednesday 28 December 2016

THE 2017 Tasmanian Magic Millions Yearling Sale has a lot to live up to in terms of what the 2016 edition produced but a study of the 133 lots to be offered at the Inveresk Showground in Launceston on February 16 suggests the sale could set new records. For many years Tasmania has proven to…

Tasracing appoints new director

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Robyn Whishaw has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Tasracing. Known to many in the racing industry, Mrs Whishaw owns and operates Armidale Stud in Carrick, Tasmania. She has also chaired the Thoroughbred Advisory Network for several years. “We warmly welcome Robyn to the Tasracing Board.  Her expertise and passion for the Tasmanian…

Harness Race Program Changes – 19 December 2016

Monday 19 December 2016

Please note changes to race programs that were published in the December/January 2017 Harness Racer. Hobart – 1 January 2017 EHC01011708 – Add C6/C10. All other conditions remain unchanged.   King Island – 26 December 2016 KSB26121601. Add – For pacers assessed 3R0, 3R1 or R0. Delete – R1 horses on 10 metres.   King…


Wednesday 14 December 2016

As part of the changes to the programming changes from 1 January 2016, a new series of distances races will be incorporated into the programmes. A series will be held in January and March in Launceston and in February and April at Hobart. Each series will be conducted as Free-to-All heats over the mid distance…