Greyhound dress code policy amendment

Friday 16 November 2018

Following discussions at the Greyhound Reference Group meeting and on the recommendation of the GRG, the Dress Code Policy has been amended.

Clause 2.1.4 requiring white shirts, blouses and outer garments to be worn at day and twilight meetings from 1 December to 31 March has been removed from the policy.

In addition, the following clause with respect to logos has been included in the policy:

  • Logos are only permitted on the left-han chest area of any garment or on other areas with the prior approval of the Controlling Body.

This means that the Dress Code for all meetings will be black Trousers/Slacks, black Shirts/Blouses and black outer garments.

The change will simplify the requirements for participants with black being required for all meetings all year round.