Vale Des Illingworth

Friday 30 October 2020

The Tasmanian Greyhound Industry mourns the loss of Mr Des Illingworth. Illingworth is synonymous with greyhound racing here in Tasmania with both Des and his late father Ollie integral members of the administration in Tasmanian greyhound racing. Des was Tasmania’s representative at National Coursing Club of Australia conferences and played a major role in many…

Greyhound programming update

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Tasracing has reviewed the recommendations of the Programming Sub Committee following the meeting on 3 September 2020 and has agreed to extend the trial period for the removal of the conditions of Reverse Order of Grade and Reverse Order of Choice for Free-to-All Masters races for a further three months. Proposed amendments to the Minimum…

Optimism abounds for Tasmanian breeding industry

Monday 5 October 2020

By Peter Wharton Studmasters and industry players in Tasmania are optimistic that the 2020/21 breeding season will be a bumper one, despite the challenges facing the industry as a result of the pandemic. The introduction of several proven stallions, fertile pastures from above-average rainfall, increases to Tasbred Bonuses and a projected rise in stake money…

Gap Entry Procedures Amended

Friday 2 October 2020

Following a review of the GAP entry process, the industry self-foster admission pathway has been removed, effective immediately. The industry self-foster admission pathway was available to all owners who had applied to have their greyhound rehomed through GAP. Following completion of the 28-day wind-down period, an owner could self-foster a greyhound for a minimum of…