6ty° Youndbloods Challenge 2020

Monday 7 December 2020

The first three heats of the 6ty° Youndbloods Challenge were held in Hobart on  Sunday 6 December. Standings 6 December 2020 33 Sam Clotworthy 26 Georgia Hayward 22 Samantha Gangell 22 Ben Woodsford 22 Matthew Howlett 21 Charlie Castles 18 Malcolm Jones 14 Bronte Miller 11 Lachlan Dakin 9 Andrew Freeman

New appointment to Board of Tasracing

Friday 20 November 2020

Martin Wallace, a highly experienced  and respected public servant has been appointed to the Board of Tasracing. He brings more than 30 years experience in public administration, business and financial management, and has extensive regulatory policy experience. Martin also brings senior executive experience in the energy and telecommunications sectors. Mr Wallace is a former Secretary…

Drivers announced for Youngbloods Challenge

Monday 9 November 2020

First run in 1986, the Youngbloods Challenge has been the premier junior drivers series in Tasmania, and Tasracing have announced the drivers that will take part in this year’s series. This year’s series will see a slight change to previous years. It will still remain a six-race series but will be spread across two venues…

Vale Des Illingworth

Friday 30 October 2020

The Tasmanian Greyhound Industry mourns the loss of Mr Des Illingworth. Illingworth is synonymous with greyhound racing here in Tasmania with both Des and his late father Ollie integral members of the administration in Tasmanian greyhound racing. Des was Tasmania’s representative at National Coursing Club of Australia conferences and played a major role in many…

Optimism abounds for Tasmanian breeding industry

Monday 5 October 2020

By Peter Wharton Studmasters and industry players in Tasmania are optimistic that the 2020/21 breeding season will be a bumper one, despite the challenges facing the industry as a result of the pandemic. The introduction of several proven stallions, fertile pastures from above-average rainfall, increases to Tasbred Bonuses and a projected rise in stake money…