Tasmanian Racing C-19 Welfare Application Form

By completing and submitting the form on this page you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and Declaration statement.

If you have any questions, need help completing this form, or experience any technical difficulties while submitting your application please contact the racing team via email: racing@tasracing.com.au or phone: 62129333.

If you would prefer to submit a hard copy, please download the form HERE and mail the completed document to Tasracing 6 Goodwood Road, Glenorchy TAS 7010.

Please note that Tasracing recommends you use the online Application Form if you wish to avoid a delay to your payments due to postage times.

Tasmanian Racing C-19 Support Package Application Form
Update to previous entry

Contact details

Confirm email address
Stable/kennel address:
Stable/kennel address:
Business/mailing address (if different from stable/kennel address):
Business/mailing address (if different from stable/kennel address):

Details of Animals

Please provide details of animals in your care and the time period in care. Multiple entries can be added to the form below.

Terms and conditions *
Declaration statement *