Racing in Tasmania over Christmas-New Year

Tuesday 24 December 2019

The festive season in Tasmania is one of the most exciting times for racing around the state and this year is no exception. As we all take a breath on Christmas Day and enjoy spending time with our families and friends, the action re-starts Boxing Day with a brilliant harness meeting programmed at Devonport while…

Tearing up the Turf for Terry

Tuesday 3 September 2019

TASMANIA’S racing industry is about to put it’s weight behind helping former thoroughbred trainer Terry Roles with his fight against Motor Neuron Disease. Roles, who gave up training racehorses to become a nurse six years ago, was struck down with the disease early this year. He has been accepted as a participant in trialling a…

2019 Tasmanian Horse of the Year Awards

Wednesday 21 August 2019

TASMANIA’S thoroughbred Horse of the Year and Hall of Fame gala event has become a must attend function and this year’s edition is no exception. Mystic Journey looks certain to take out the title of Horse of the Year for season 2018-19, given her impressive performances at home and interstate. But will Star Thoroughbreds’ filly…

Tasracing Clubs Marketing Conference 2019

Monday 19 August 2019

Around 30 enthusiastic club administrators representing all codes and all regions attended Tasracing’s second Club Marketing Conference on Friday in Launceston. The Conference is part of Tasracing’s strategy to provide clubs with tools and knowledge to help grow attendance, membership and sponsorship. Tasracing CEO Paul Eriksson opened the Conference and reinforced Tasracing’s vision for a…

2019 Tasmanian Harness Review – Forum’s

Friday 9 August 2019

Further to the release of the Stage 1 Data Analysis of the 2019 Tasmanian Harness Review the following dates have been scheduled to hold the Industry Forum’s. These evenings are being held to give all industry participants the opportunity to have a say into the future direction of Harness Racing in Tasmania.   Hobart –…