Winx wins Australian Racehorse of the Year again

Friday 11 October 2019

Champion mare Winx has been named the Sky Racing Australian Racehorse of the Year for the fourth year in succession. Announced in Hobart tonight (10 October 2019), Winx also won the award for Australia’s best middle-distance racehorse for season 2018-19. It was an appropriate end to the mare’s racing career when she bowed out after…

Tearing up the Turf for Terry raises over $40k for Roles

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Tasmania’s racing industry has rallied behind former Tasmanian thoroughbred trainer Terry Roles by tipping in over $40,000 at a fundraiser at the Tasmanian Turf Club last Saturday night. The night was promoted as an Aussie Legends event entitled Tearing up the Turf for Terry with about 250 attending the sit-down dinner that boasted a star-studded…

2019 Edgar Tatlow Medal Nominations

Tuesday 10 September 2019

The Edgar Tatlow Medal recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Tasmanian Harness Racing Industry. The contribution may have been in the field of training, driving, ownership, administration, breeding and/or any other harness related activity. A number of nominations have been received however should any individual, club or affiliated bodies wish to…

Tearing up the Turf for Terry

Tuesday 3 September 2019

TASMANIA’S racing industry is about to put it’s weight behind helping former thoroughbred trainer Terry Roles with his fight against Motor Neuron Disease. Roles, who gave up training racehorses to become a nurse six years ago, was struck down with the disease early this year. He has been accepted as a participant in trialling a…

Tasracing Clubs Marketing Conference 2019

Monday 19 August 2019

Around 30 enthusiastic club administrators representing all codes and all regions attended Tasracing’s second Club Marketing Conference on Friday in Launceston. The Conference is part of Tasracing’s strategy to provide clubs with tools and knowledge to help grow attendance, membership and sponsorship. Tasracing CEO Paul Eriksson opened the Conference and reinforced Tasracing’s vision for a…